Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should there be a Fourth Branch in the government that would function ....?

as a check and balance representing the people? The existing three branches, Executive, Legislative and Judicial are nothing more than special interest groups whose loyalty is to their members. For example: The Executive and Legislative branches are controlled by members of the two political parties whose loyalty is not to the people but to their respective parties. The Judicial branch on the other hand are political appointees selected on the basis of party affiliation. Thus despite the dismal performance of the government including outright cheating, lies and corruption, the people remain helpless and can not do anything other than wait for the next election . A fourth branch called for example, "People's Branch" can use the power of referendum and the ballot box to ensure that their wants and needs are heeded by the other three branches. After all, ours is a government by of the people, by the people and for the people. many will agree that we don't have that now.

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