Monday, August 15, 2011

Whatever happened to 'the People's Monarchy' - didn't Princess Anne get to hear about it ?

Today's papers are full of the story of the royal stumble - a stumble in more ways than one. Falling down on a visit to the Channel Isles, the Princess Royal apparently rebuffed the Bailiff of Guernsey's attempts to help : 'Don't do that, thank you. Grabbing me around my ... won't help.' That missing word, how very strange the press didn't catch it. An onlooker commented : 'Touching a royal is a bit taboo and she was clearly annoyed.' If this was the reason for the Princess' snappishness, I wonder what happened to 'the People's Monarchy' in which the Queen could talk openly about her 'Annus Horribilis' in 1992, Charles could admit to marital breakdown, the Queen could publicly if belatedly share the popular grief over Diana's death, and the gap between the royals and ourselves seemed to be closing just a tad. Now we're back to the literal untouchability of majesty, a sentiment the Tsar of Russia would have welcomed.

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