Sunday, August 14, 2011

13 year old daughter with the mind of a great philosopher.?

My daughter is 13, but she's not what you think of when you imagine a 13 year old girl. She's deep, very deep. She's in to fine art and clical music, but she gets more out of it than even some of my friends. She says she can feel the artist/composer through their work. Her heart bleeds for Van Gogh and Edgar Allan Poe, and she cares a lot about people. She's written poems that have brought tears to my eyes, and stories with the talent of Mark Twain or John Stienbeck. She's very talented, and she wants to have her work exhibited. I want to do more to show the world her great mind, but I'm not sure how. It's not exactly like they're having a "philisophical daughters" convention anytime soon. :\ Any ideas?

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